The next billion medical devices - powered by your smartphone

We're Billion Labs

Our platform of digital health tools transform everyday smartphones into powerful medical devices  - with only a download of an app

Our Team

We are experts with background in biosignal processing, machine learning, digital health technologies, and human computer interaction. Together with clinical domain expertise, we're developing innovative and clinically validated technologies for the masses.

Edward Wang


NIH funded expert in the field of digital health technologies. On staff as an Assistant Professor of Engineering and Human Centered Design at UC San Diego

Colin Barry


A bio- and electrical computer engineer specialized in smartphone-based health monitoring. On leave as a Graduate Research Fellow of Engineering at UC San Diego

Chelsea Maples


Serial entrepreneur with years of experience starting and managing small businesses across diverse sectors.

Tatsuo Kumamoto

Software Engineer

Full stack mobile developer with experience in cross platform systems.

Chris Longhurst

Clinical Advisor (Systems)

Chief Clinical & Innovation Officer UC San Diego Health, Associate Dean, and Exec Director Jacobs Center for Health Innovation

Chris Arakawa

Clinical Advisor (Cardiology)

Cardiology Fellow Stanford Children's Health 

Alison Moore

Clinical Advisor (Geriatrics)

Professor and Chief of the Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology and Palliative Care, Director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging, Center for Healthy Aging

Byron Fergerson

Clinical Advisor (Digital Health)

Staff Anathesiologist at UC San Diego with specialization in cardiothoracic anesthesia and echocardiography. Specializing in research on use of digital health for surgical success.

Our Science

Our technology is based on cutting edge digital health solutions with rigorous clinical validations.

With Support from
